WP3 Pilot planning and piloting

To be able to conduct the pilots, the partners will make specific pilot plans together with the personnel that is going to participate in the pilots. The first objective of WP3 is to produce concrete pilot plans for each partner organization. The second objective is to run pilots in each organization and test the assumption that the chosen methods, practices and/or technology will lead to good results. The pilots will be conducted in student groups of various study fields. After the pilots are completed, feedback will be collected from the participants and the results analysed together in partner workshops. Based on the results of this WP, the partners are able to plan training and orientation material in WP 4.
IVV is in charge of coordinating the work. The partners will plan pilots together. The pilot planning will start in Finland where WinNova will organize live working sessions at WinNova, Finland. The live workshops in FIN are planned to take place on May 2025. Each partner will invite at least one training manager, and several teachers and student counselors to participate in the pilot planning that will continue online after the pilot planning starting sessions in FIN. Pilots will be organized by each partner at their own school during autumn 2025. There will be 2–3 pilots in each organization. For the piloting, also other personnel than the project staff will participate together with their student groups.
The results of WP3 are concrete pilot plans and successfully conducted 2–3 pilots in each organization. Through these steps the partners receive information on the applicability, usability and benefits of the piloted methods, practices and/or technology and their impact on students´ behaviour and wellbeing.