Together towards genuine digital teaching and learning
The teaching professions face rapidly changing demands that require new and more diverse skills. In particular, the proliferation of digital devices and applications in teaching requires teachers to develop their digital skills. We easily think of e-learning only as technical expertise and the ability to use digital learning environments. However, according to a study conducted for teachers in our educational institution, the most challenging is the pedagogy of e-learning. The aim of the project is to respond to the improvement of the level of digital competence of vocational education teachers and in particular the aim is to increase pedagogical competence. Supervising students, providing personal feedback, and evaluating learning outcomes are perceived to be more challenging in an e-learning environment than in classroom instruction. Improving the quality of e-learning and strengthening the skills of a teacher’s digital guidance would also help reach less motivated students. Better digital skills for teachers will also benefit students, and through increased and higher quality online teaching, students’ digital skills will also improve.
In this project, the way to achieve these goals is to exchange experiences, learn from other teachers and learn about good practice and digital solutions for distance learning in other educational institutions, and on this basis to develop suitable e-learning models that can also be used more widely.
The aim of the project is to develop together a better pedagogical way of conducting distance learning and e-learning. The project will be implemented by mapping the ways in which different educational institutions implement e-learning and by organizing joint workshops and online webinars for teachers. Based on this collected data and experiences, pedagogical models will be developed on how to effectively implement e-learning. The project will help teachers to develop their digital skills specifically from a pedagogical perspective and at the same time increase their skills in using digital tools and applications. Indirectly, it also benefits students as they receive better and higher quality guidance and teaching.

IO1 Investigative research
Comparison of e-learning in partner countries

IO2 Design of good participatory e-learning
Design of good participatory e-learning

IO3 Online course for vocational teachers
Participatory e-learning design

Project group
The project group consists of vocational institution from three European countries and university of Applied Sciences from Finland.
More information
Anu Sköld-Nurmi
Digitaalisten oppimisympäristöjen asiantuntija
044 455 8324
Suojantie 2, RAUMA
Anna-Maija Seutu
Lehtori, Sosiaali- ja terveysala
044 455 8367
Steniuksenkatu 8, RAUMA
Marko Sookari
Turvallisuus- ja työsuojelupäällikkö
044 455 8453
Tiedepuisto 3, PORI