Marketing through Europe

Marketing through Europe is an Erasmus+-project coordinated by Finnish VET-school WinNova. There are four European countries involved: Netherlands, Portugal, Finland and Hungary. The objective of MaTE is to develop a short-term, project-based and working life oriented exchange programme for VET-students of business and commerce in order to develop students´professional competences and soft skills. In the training programme project learning in cooperation with local SMEs, studying abroad, digital learning and team learning are combined. By developing this training programme the project enables business and commerce students to acquire competences needed when operating in international environments and to advance the development of their soft skills.
The main aims and intellectual outputs of the project are:
- Planning and implementation of an investigative research including comparison of marketing and soft skills related competence requirements in the partner countries
- Development of marketing related exchange training programme and curriculum that is targeted to business, and commerce students of upper secondary VET in the partner countries.
- Development of online learning materials to support the implementation and piloting of the exchange training programme. This includes development of English training materials that are relevant when realizing the programme and the related curriculum.
These outputs are presented in more detail below.

Investigative research
To learn more about the skills companies in working life seek, we implemented an investigative research. The aim of the research was to compare the marketing competence requirements in the four countries to get an important overview of the required skills and knowledge.

Project info
The target group are VET-students who need to develop their competences regarding internationalization, marketing, soft skills like interaction and learning through projects.

Project group
The project group consists of vocational institutions from four European countries (Finland, Hungary, Netherlands, Portugal) and university of Applied Sciences (Finland).

Training programme
The developed training programme produces not only traditional marketing skills but also soft skills appreciated by the employers such as capability to solve problems, resilience and team working skills.

Online learning material
Online learning material is targeted to VET-students and VET-teachers and offers resources and tools for implementing the MaTE training programme. The core of this output is to answer two questions: 1. what the student can learn and 2. how he/she can learn it.
More information
Jonna Malmivuori
044 455 8170
Tiedepuisto 3, PORI