Marketing through Europe, MaTE
- Toteutusaika
- -
- Kohderyhmä
The participants of the project are VET-teachers and VET-students who need to develop their competences regarding internationalization, marketing, marketing communications, working in teams and learning through projects which are offered by associated partners e.g. companies in need of refreshing their marketing plans and implementation. The above mentioned companies and other organizations are associated partners.
- Välittäjäviranomainen
- Opetushallitus
- Rahoitusohjelma
- Erasmus+
- Toteuttajaverkostot
- INETE (ENSINUS - Estudos Técnicos e Profissionais SA), Portugal , Andrássy György Katolikus Közgazdasági Szakgimnázium, Gimnázium és Kollégium, Hungary , Graafschap College (Stichting BVE Oost-Gelderland), Netherlands, Hämeen ammattikorkeakoulu, HAMK School of Professional Teacher Education, Finland, Länsirannikon Koulutus Oy WinNova, Finland
- Yhteyshenkilö
- Malmivuori Jonna
Kansainvälinen hanke
The objective of the project is to develop a flexible training blueprint for business, administration, commerce and management field of upper secondary VET. In the training blueprint learning at work, project learning (in cooperation with SMEs and other organisations), studying abroad, digital learning and team learning are combined. By developing this flexible training blueprint the project enables business, administration, commerce students to acquire competences needed when operating in international operational environments and to advance the development of their soft skills.
The main aims of the strategic partnership project are:
1) Implementation of an investigative research including comparison of marketing related competence requirements in the partner countries.
2) Development of training scheme / curriculum (theme being marketing) that is targeted to business, administration, commerce and management students in the partner countries. The training scheme is partly digital and partly face-to-face and conducted in English. The core pedagogical methods applied when executing the training scheme are project learning, learning by doing and team learning. In each partner country there are companies/SME s/organisations that are willing to let students plan, perform and evaluate their marketing activities. These SMEs / organisations act as associative partners during the project.
3) Development of training materials that are relevant regarding the above mentioned development and realization of training schemes, the output being e-learning course / module. The development of marketing training scheme and training materials make it possible for business, administration etc. students and teachers in partner countries to network with each other. It also makes it possible for the students to complete study modules in English and get international experience through studying as a member of an European study group.
Kansainvälinen hanke
The objective of the project is to develop a flexible training blueprint for business, administration, commerce and management field of upper secondary VET. In the training blueprint learning at work, project learning (in cooperation with SMEs and other organisations), studying abroad, digital learning and team learning are combined. By developing this flexible training blueprint the project enables business, administration, commerce students to acquire competences needed when operating in international operational environments and to advance the development of their soft skills.
The main aims of the strategic partnership project are:
1) Implementation of an investigative research including comparison of marketing related competence requirements in the partner countries.
2) Development of training scheme / curriculum (theme being marketing) that is targeted to business, administration, commerce and management students in the partner countries. The training scheme is partly digital and partly face-to-face and conducted in English. The core pedagogical methods applied when executing the training scheme are project learning, learning by doing and team learning. In each partner country there are companies/SME s/organisations that are willing to let students plan, perform and evaluate their marketing activities. These SMEs / organisations act as associative partners during the project.
3) Development of training materials that are relevant regarding the above mentioned development and realization of training schemes, the output being e-learning course / module. The development of marketing training scheme and training materials make it possible for business, administration etc. students and teachers in partner countries to network with each other. It also makes it possible for the students to complete study modules in English and get international experience through studying as a member of an European study group.